Spring Meeting & Scion Swap - Sunday, April 27, 2025 - General Meeting 12:00 Noon
- The Spring Meeting of the ONGA will be on April 27, 2025 at the Kingwood Center in Mansfield Ohio located at 900 Park Avenue West. From Interstate 71 turn west on US 30 and drive 7 miles to Trimble Rd. Turn left and go south about a mile to Park Ave W. It is on the north east corner of this intersection.
- Meeting to be held in the Exhibit Hall. The exhibit hall has large windows down the longer sides of the room. Signs will be posted. Click on image above for a larger view.
- Free Admittance and Parking
Parking is free for those attending the NNGA meeting. Just tell the parking attendent that you are going to the ONGA meeting and they will let you in without paying. -
Click below for information about the Kingwood
Center and a map.
- Directors to meet at 10:00 am.
- Lunch and the membership meeting will be at 12:00 noon.
- BYO lunch. We will have plates and plasticware. Snack bars, chips, Gatorade, and bottled water will be free for everyone.
- A short members meeting will follow.
- ONGA Auction
Around 1:00 PM we will have our auction with all proceeds going to the ONGA. So, please bring some nutty items with you to auction off. - Bring any nuts you want entered in the Ohio State Fair and we will make sure they get entered. You need 10 nuts of any one cultivar entered. This is a chance to win bragging rights as well as money.
- Free Scion Wood for Grafting
Several tables of scion wood will be available free to all attending and if you have any to donate, bring it for the free exchange. Please remember to tag your bundles with the name of the cultivar and the date the wood was gathered. - Trees for sale
There will also be Chinese Chestnut, Northern Pecan, Black Walnut, and American Hazelnut seedling trees available. -
Honey, maple syrup, and seedling trees among other items for sale at the Marketplace tables. - Grafting Demo - A grafting demonstration will follow the auction.